Sunday, October 7, 2012

baby c: week 15

this was a week of blessings!! we are so thankful for all He did for us this week, because we know that we did absolutely nothing to deserve His favor!  first, we were able to sell and close on D's house. second, D was offered and he accepted a management position! and lastly, i gave my resignation at work!! starting mid-december i will get to be a full-time stay-at-home mommy to the most adorable little boy in the world!

three weeks ago we decided that staying at home was a priority, and that we really needed to take a leap of faith. we knew there would never be a perfect time to signifacantly reduce your family income.  we knew that we wanted to finish baby step #3, but all the other things {like get a new car, finish our backyard, etc.} would have to wait.  we had been praying about this for months, starting when i got pregnant.  and we really felt that God was telling us to take a step of faith, and trust in Him.  literally within a week of making this decision, D was approached about two management positions at his company.  not one... two!! talk about God confirming that this was the right decision.

baby c has been absolutely wonderful this week! as always, he is such a happy baby!  he has really found his voice this week, and talks ALOT.  here he is during one of his morning conversations with pop.  and below are his project 365 pics from the week.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

baby c: week 6

this was daddy's first time away from cannon!!  he went back home to oregon for one of his best friend's wedding.  we were sad we couldn't make it, but we thought that if cannon made his debut on his due date, or even late, we really wouldn't be able to travel with such a young newborn.  our little man is doing amazing, still spending most of the days asleep.  our awake time is very short still, but thats okay, because he is doing great at night!!  typically he wakes up once in the middle of the night.  BUT.... while daddy was gone, and we were over at pop and gigi's house, cannon had his first night of sleeping through the night!!!  August 3rd was the exact date... something to make note of ;o)

Friday, July 27, 2012

baby c: one month

i cannot believe my little man is one month old! where did the time go? how is it even possible that one month has gone by?

this has been the most incredible month of my life.  i have loved in a way that i never knew was possible.  i am head over heals for a little man in diapers, and fell in love all over again with my husband.  the way he took care of me during labor and delivery, and then watching him be a father to our son gives me a thousand new reasons to love him even more. 

our little man is absolutely the most wonderful baby in the world.  he has the sweetest disposition, and every one who meets him can't stop saying how beautiful he is!  here is a little re-cap of our little man's first month:

:: C weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces at birth, and dropped down to 6 pounds while we were at the hospital
:: he was a great at breastfeeding from day one!  sometimes he would grunt and throw his arms around while sleeping/eating, so daddy said he was dreaming about mauling boobies (i'm pretty sure that is a slightly editted line from the hangover)
:: Daddy calls him Prince
:: he mastered rolling over to his side at one week old.  Then started rolling from his stomach to his side at three weeks.  this definitely wasn't something he did intentionally, and once he rolled over he wasn't happy that he couldn't get back.  not to mention, this really kind of scared mom!!  Dad's campaign to put you in the crib and get you out of our room was over.  we would rather have him in our sight the on his tummy.  call it first time parents excessive worrying ;o)
:: he slept the best being swaddled.
:: he grunts and groans... A LOT.  no one told us little babies made this much noise.
:: he has been compared to the baby on the Pamper's box quite a few times.
:: all of our Oregon family came down to visit you during the first week.  they fell in love with him instantly!
:: he took his first bottle at 10 days, so Mommy and Daddy could go on a date night!!
:: he smiles in his dreams, but not for us... yet
:: he favors his puppy wubbanub to all other binkies
:: he has already had three doctors appointments.  one for his circumcision which he did awesome at!! Mommy, on the other hand was a wreck!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

baby c: week 2

i can't believe out little man has already been a part of our lives for two weeks.  i just can't even imagine our lives without him in it!!  moondoggie's family came to visit all the way from oregon, and i think it is safe to say that they are over the moon about this little guy!! but let's be honest, how could you not be.  he is so stinkin cute!!  here are a few pics from this last week.  some memorable moments from this week:
  • having new family in town to meet and play with.  this boy sure is lucky with lots of people loving on him.
  • baby c's first trip to the fire station.  uncle z made sure our car seat was installed correctly, and showed baby c around the fire station.  we can't wait for his little princess to arrive in just a few months.
  • his first photoshoot.
  • lots of smiles while he sleeps.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

baby c: week 1

This has been the most amazing week of my life!!  my little surfer was born on june 25th at 8:28am, weighing 6 lbs 11 oz and 19.5 inches long.  from first glance, i knew he was perfection wrapped in a blue and pink striped hospital blanket. 

the birth story was unlike anything i ever imagined, hoped or prayed for, but it was evident God had a far better story to tell.  His presence was everywhere surrounding baby c's birth!! we asked to pray before the "delivery" began, and my doctor, midwife, nurses and anesthesiologist all took a moment to stop what they were doing and pray with us.  we had a music playing on my phone, and d and i just looked into each others eyes while the entire process was happening.  baby c was born to one of our favorite worship songs, and the entire experience was extremely peaceful.  it was one of those times where you could feel the presence of God in every moment.

baby c had breach baby legs and old man hair!  at least those were some of the first things i noticed about him.  his hips were splayed out after months of being breach in mommy's tummy, and he had a ring of LONG hair around the back of his head.  he looked just like an old man!!  other things I noticed right away were his toes!  on his left foot, his fourth toe is just like his mommy's and his pinky toe is just like his daddy's.  baby c had probably 40 people come to visit him in the hospital, he is already a very popular little boy and absolutely full of love.  he hardly ever cries, and when he does it is the cutest thing ever!

what an amazing week!!