Monday, April 18, 2011

my first 30 years

yesterday was my half birthday... i am officially 30 1/2!!  i had not started this blog when i turned 30 - so i thought today would be a fun day to share this!! ha ha -- where did the time go {and how come i can't get my next thirty years by tim mcgraw out of my head?!?!}  I know this sounds a little cheesy, but i've spent a lot of time reflecting on these last thirty years, probably since this is the first time that I actually feel like an adult.   i think i will keep these fun thoughts for another post -- but i really did have something i wanted to share with you!!  at least once a month {if not more often} i am told that i look like I am anywhere from 15-21 years old.  apparently thats a fabulous thing - but it can be a little discouraging when you're thirty, own a home, work full time, and people treat you like a teenager. i guess i have been blessed with a very youthful appearance  ;o) 

it did make me wonder, do i really look any different than i did at 15?  so... i found a picture for every age!!  personally, i think i look a lot different than i did at 15.   what do you think?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

wise words

"A woman knows that the power of her femininity is very important.

Oscar de la Renta

Monday, April 4, 2011

anthro love

am i the only person with a ridiculous obsession to anything anthropolgie?  i love almost everything about it... their clothes, their bedding **sigh**, their jewelry, the fact that i fit into smaller sizes of their clothes than any other store ;o)  what i don't love is their prices.  it breaks the bank everytime i make a purchase.  so i decided to go web shopping today, and this is what i came up with!! 

what do you think? what would you buy?